04 January 2010

How To: 4 Steps To Finding Illuminati Symbols In Jay Z's "On To The Next One"

1. Get Up On Your Conspiracy Theories

The first step in proving Jay Z's ties with the illuminati is to study them. You must learn all of their ways and symbols so that you can recognize a Free Mason motif when you see it.

2. Watch The Video, Analyze, Repeat

The second step is finding illuminati symbols and references in the video. You must watch it extremely closely. Pay attention to every fame and take note of every detail. What is his fascination with the number three? Why are the girls studded with diamonds? Is that Jesus in the smoke?. Keep a note pad close so you can jot down any findings while your watching.

3. Play It Backwards

One of the most common methods for finding secret messages embedded in songs is playing them backwards. Listen hard for any scrambled references to anything pertaining to government or religion in any way. You may have to listen to a song backwards a few times to hear all the hidden words. After you think you've found everything, get a friend to do the same, they might hear things that you have missed.

4. Word Count

Pull up the lyrics to the song and go through them writing down every other word. Go through it a second time this time marking every third word, and another time marking every fifth. Although this may seem monotonous and time-wasting, the result can really seal the deal if evidence is found.

We already know that Jay Z is trying to send subliminal illuminati messaging through this song and video, it's up to you to prove it. Good luck!


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