14 December 2009

Is It OK For Bloggers To Charge For Reviews? (Pt. II)

I guess not.

Word on the net is that Sean Deez, a reviewer from KN.com and the one who actually sent the infamous email that incited this riot, got canned today.

From the way it looks Kevin didn't even really support the idea of charging for indie reviews. My guess is that the whole idea was Deez's, trying to put a little bit of money in his pocket for all the reviews he does, and Kevin OK'd the idea of charging for reviews, but not for charging as much as 35$.

When stuff hit the fan Sean Deez was nowhere to be found, and therefore Kevin, being the good dude that he is (I had a feeling he wouldn't do something like that), stepped in and defended him, taking the blame and what not. Still Deez never showed.

So, Kevin fired his ass! But I could be wrong.


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